This product is made to order - delivery is expected within 6-8 weeks of purchase.
MRCOOL 48K BTU, 4 Ton Vertical Two-Stage 230V 1-Phase 60Hz CuNi Coil Right Return
FeaturesQualifies for federal tax credit, and other incentivesHighest energy efficiency in its classSafety high and low pressure switchesQuiet operationFull featured sinusoidal eon motor control technologyInsulated sloped stainless steel drain panAdvanced unit control board with diagnostic LEDsDouble O-ring water connectionsEasy service accessOptional domestic water pre-heatingMade in the USA10 year compressor warranty
Consult the table below to confirm the necessary BTUs to cool or heat your desired area.
9K BTU | 180-375 Sq.Ft.
12K BTU | 376-500 Sq.Ft.
18K BTU | 501-750 Sq.Ft.
24K BTU | 751 - 1,000 Sq.Ft.
36K BTU | 1,000-1,500 Sq.Ft.
Factors such as insulation, ceiling height and the number of appliances in the room may impact performance.